Dosť bolo lží - Philippe Besson, Literárna bašta, 2024
Kniha: The Boy Who Didnt Want to Die graphic memoir (Peter Lantos)

15,15 €

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Kniha: The Boy Who Didnt Want to Die graphic memoir (Peter Lantos)
Kniha: The Boy Who Didnt Want to Die graphic memoir (Peter Lantos)

The Boy Who Didnt Want to Die graphic memoir

A story of survival, of love between mother and son and of enduring hope in the face of unspeakable hardship. An important read. The Boy Who Didn't Want to Die describes an... Čítať viac

Scholastic, 2025
144 strán
2 hodiny čítania

A story of survival, of love between mother and son and of enduring hope in the face of unspeakable hardship. An important read. The Boy Who Didn't Want to Die describes an extraordinary journey, made by Peter, a boy of five, through war-torn Europe ... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

15,15 €

Túto knihu máme síce aktuálne na sklade, máme však už iba posledné kusy. Ak ju chcete mať rýchlo, ponáhľajte sa! Dodanie ďalších môže trvať dlhšie, zvyčajne do 32 dní.

Naši škriatkovia odporúčajú

Tisíc lodí - Natalie Haynes, Tatran, 2025
Kniha: The Boy Who Didnt Want to Die graphic memoir (Peter Lantos)
15,15 €

Viac o knihe

A story of survival, of love between mother and son and of enduring hope in the face of unspeakable hardship. An important read.
The Boy Who Didn't Want to Die describes an extraordinary journey, made by Peter, a boy of five, through war-torn Europe in 1944 and 1945.

Peter and his parents set out from a small Hungarian town, travelling through Austria and then Germany together. Along the way, unforgettable images of adventure flash one after another: sleeping in a tent and then under the sky, discovering a disused brick factory, catching butterflies in the meadows - and as Peter realises that this adventure is really a nightmare - watching bombs falling from the blue sky outside Vienna, learning maths from his mother in Belsen.

All this is drawn against a background of terror, starvation, infection and, inevitably, death, before Peter and his mother can return home.
Naše katalógové číslo
Originálny názov
The Boy Who Didnt Want to Die graphic memoir
Počet strán
brožovaná väzba
229×153 mm
355 g
Rok vydania
Pre koho
young adult, pre deti a mládež

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Ako sa páčila kniha vám?

Sklouzla rukou k srdci a spočinula na něm dlaní. Zde se skrývá síla, na níž záleží, řekla její matka neskutečně dávno. Ať jsi kdekoli, ať se ocitneš jakkoli daleko, zavede tě domů.
Kniha: Království popela (Sarah J. Maas)
Království popela
  • Sarah J. Maas