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Kniha: Surrounded by Narcissists (Thomas Erikson)

15,39 €

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Kniha: Surrounded by Narcissists (Thomas Erikson)
Kniha: Surrounded by Narcissists (Thomas Erikson)

Surrounded by Narcissists

Or, How to Stop Other People's Egos Ruining Your Life

From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Surrounded by IdiotsAre you overshadowed by the narcissists in your life... Čítať viac

Ebury, 2022
Počet strán

From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Surrounded by IdiotsAre you overshadowed by the narcissists in your life... Čítať viac

  • Brožovaná väzba
  • Angličtina

15,39 €

Táto kniha sa môže na cestu ku vám vybrať prakticky okamžite! Ak si ju objednáte do 13:00 v pracovný deň, odošleme vám ju ešte dnes, inak najneskôr nasledujúci pracovný deň.

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Knižné putovanie - Zapoj sa do najobľúbenejšej knižnej hry a vyhraj množstvo skvelých cien
Kniha: Surrounded by Narcissists (Thomas Erikson)
15,39 €

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From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Surrounded by Idiots

Are you overshadowed by the narcissists in your life? Are you worn out by their constant demands for attention, their absolute belief they are right (even when clearly they are not), their determination to do what they want (regardless of impact), and their baffling need to control everyone and everything around them?

In this thought-provoking, sanity-saving book, Thomas Erikson helps you understand what makes narcissists tick and, crucially, how to handle them without wearing yourself out in the process. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, Erikson provides all the tools you need to manage not just the narcissists around you but everyday narcissism as well - itself becoming more widespread in this age of social media. Engaging and practical, Surrounded by Narcissists will help you free yourself from narcissistic agendas so you can pursue a happier, more fulfilling and successful life.
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brožovaná väzba
198×126 mm
224 g
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Kniha: V říši vlka (David Gemmell)
V říši vlka
  • David Gemmell