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Čurillovci - Marek Vagovič, Švabach, 2024

Romantické a erotické knihy v cudzom jazyku z edície Evergreens

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Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Folio, 2015
Pride and Prejudice 
Martinusáčka odporúča 5

Pride and Prejudice is one of the most cherished love stories in English literature; Jane Austen's 1813 masterpiece has a lasting effect on everyone who reads it. The pride of high-ranking Mr Darcy...

Emma - Jane Austen, Folio, 2015
Martinusáčka odporúča 5

The disparity between Emma Woodhouse's self-confidence and self-knowledge, and her determination to arrange marriages for her friends while avoiding one for herself, leads to a painful series of misunderstandings...

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen, Folio, 2016
Sense and Sensibility 

Sense and Sensibility is the story of the two Dashwood sisters, who embody the conflict between the oppressive nature of "civilized" society and the human desire for romantic passion...

Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen, Folio, 2017
Northanger Abbey 

While enjoying a six weeks' stay in fashionable Bath, the young and callow Catherine Morland is introduced to the delights of high society. Thanks to a new literary diet of the sensational and the macabre...

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Mansfield Park - Jane Austen, Folio, 2016
Mansfield Park 

Born into a poor family, Fanny Price is raised amid the daunting splendour of Mansfield Park by her rich uncle, Sir Thomas Bertram. Treated as an inferior by most of the family, Fanny forms a close attachment...

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  • Pocketbook
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  • Smartfón či tablet s príslušnou aplikáciou
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Příliš blízko jatek - Charles Bukowski, 2012
Příliš blízko jatek
  • Charles Bukowski